Thursday, May 6, 2010

Memories of Yuba City High School

While doing a class assignment of how television programming was still being dumbed down in the 1990s, I could not remember my Freshman History teacher. So I looked on the YCHS website to see if I could find him, he is not there, but if you (YCHS Alumni) are interested to see who still teaches there or if you have any classmates that are now teaching there, check this out.

So then I went to myspace, because I know I have a list of most of my teachers there, and luckly I have found it and here it is, my high school schedule from 1994-1998.

Freshman Year-

Pre- Intro to Physical Science with Mr. Seamen
1st- Electronics I with Mr. McClard
2nd- Orchrestra with Mr. Morrisey
3rd- P.E. with Mrs. Ashley
4th- Algebra I with Mr. Hathaway
5th- World Cultures with Mr. Riley
6th- English with Mrs. VanDusen (also my 7th grade science teacher)

Sophomore Year-

Pre- Biology with Mr. Moore
1st- Electronics II with Mr. McClard
2nd- Orchrestra with Mr. Morrisey
3rd- Algebra I (again) with Mr. Hataway
4th- English 2 with Mr. Johnson
5th- P.E. with Mr. ?
6th- Drivers Ed with Mr. Michaels/World History with Mrs. McCauley

Junior Year-

Pre- Yearbook with Mr. Myers
1st- Chemistry with Mr. Shoemaker
2nd- Orchestra with Mr. Morrisey
3rd- Electronics III with Mr. McClard
4th- U.S. History with Mr. LaBaw
5th- English 3B with Mr. Bryant
6th- Geometry with Mr. Monchamp (Mo-shaw)

Senior Year- (after all the changes)

Pre- Yearbook with "Mom" Ms. Rose
1st- Free Period (worked on Yrbk) with Mr. Kalinzok (8th grade science teacher)
2nd- Orchestra with Mr. Morrisey
3rd- Econ with Mr. Jennings and his neighbor (serious)/Government with Mr. Waller (Top 3 favorite teachers)
4th- Art with Mr. Cotter
5th- English 4 with Mrs. Goering
6th- Computer Repair with Dan (we called him by his first name)

How much can you remember from high school? :-)

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